Nearly to Newly Fit: Fitness Goal Updates

It’s another depressingly cold Monday her in Minneapolis.  If you read yesterday’s posts, you know that school has been called off for the kiddos again.   I still have to work though – the joys of a adulthood, I suppose.  The only thing that’s really keeping me going this winter is the thought that the hubs and I are supposed to be taking our honeymoon this winter.  I say supposed to because we haven’t planned it yet.  I don’t know what it is, but after planning the wedding I haven’t really been in the planning mood for said honeymoon.

I know the honeymoon is coming, though.  And that means lounging in a bathing suit for a week.  It sounds really great until I remember that things are sagging in places they shouldn’t be.  And that’s why I really need to stick with the goals I set for myself at the beginning of January.  I need to tighten and tone and there’s only three ways to do that: workout more, eat healthier and drink more water and less sugary drinks.  Here’s an update:

My goal to workout more hasn’t gone so well.  The weather has been killing my motivation to get to the gym… not to mention that everyone’s on top of their new year’s fitness goals so I’m rubbing elbows with too many people right after work.  With that in mind, I try to get to the gym around 7 so I’m not waiting around for an area to do work.  I’ve really gotta kick into gear on this one – so I’ll be downloading some new stuff to my iPod [from this post] and sporting some new workout gear that I bought today.  This weeks workout plan includes:  Monday: kettlebells;  Tuesday: training with one of my friends; Wednesday: rest day; Thursday: solo workout; Friday: rest day; Saturday: cardio; Sunday: rest day.  It’s pretty similar to the routine I posted here.

My goal to eat healthier has been so-so.  I’m still consuming stuff that’s not so great but I feel like I’m doing so more consciously and in moderation.  The hubs and I went to the grocery store yesterday and picked up a bunch of veggies and fruit [and stuff for smoothies!] so I need to get that prepped for my snacks this week.  I’m trying to be conscious of making things for dinner that are healthy and can brought into work for lunch [to avoid a call to Jimmy’s John’s].  I’d say I’ve got work to do on this one, too.  Damn.

My goal to drink more water really improved this past week.  I’m drinking over 100 oz of water a day [about 80 oz of that coming during work hours].  While the health benefits of drinking more water is great, it’s not so fun to visit the commode every hour and have insanely dry hands from washing them so much.  I can handle it, though, if it means I’ll look better in a bikini.  I hear they say it’s good for your skin, too 😉

How have your fitness and health goals gone so far this year?  Do you have any big trips you’re planning for that are helping motivate your goals a little more?



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